blog related to all the news, publications, events, exhibitions etc, concerning the work of illustrator Mario Sughi aka nerosunero


Blue Shadows

Blue Shadows, originally uploaded by nerosunero.

Blue Shadows
Digital Limit Ed Prints, 2011
160x130cm, printed by the Fire Studio here in Dublin,
The work is just back from the exhibition in Waterford and now for the first time is in my studio.
The Waterford exhibition ended last Saturday. It lasted bit more than 3 weeks and we managed to sell 8 out of 22 works.
We were delighted with the gallery, the works, the people, the city, the catalogue, the selling and really everything
My studio now looks certainly bit smaller but also much more colorful!
Back in December or early Januray 2012, Blue Shadows before was exhibited at the Copper House Gallery, Dublin.
Italian painter Enzo Cucchi uses to say that paintings have feet and can travel a lot, so let’s see where Blue Shadows will go next, if anywhere!
Joking a bit

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