blog related to all the news, publications, events, exhibitions etc, concerning the work of illustrator Mario Sughi aka nerosunero


nerosunero reviewed by mocoloco

my current exhibition
Interiors & Exteriors, Contemporary Realist Prints, at Greyfriars Municipal Gallery, Waterford, has just been kindly reviewed by Sabine7 @ Mocolo Magazine:

"Interiors and Exteriors is the name of Mario Sughi's current exhibition, but this title neatly sums up the type of work produced by the Dublin-based artist. On the surface, Sughi presents scenes of everyday living, both indoors and out. But it is the unsaid, or the inner conversations, that drive these images. Sughi's characters are caught in a pause; the vivid colours around them speak up and almost succeed in masking the more subtle stories. Our eyes dart, dazzled, but slow to a gaze that lets us take the time to explore."

Mocoloco Magazine (Montreal, Canada, 7 IV 2012)

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